Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hotel arrangements?

  • Each guest is responsible for their lodging arrangements. You can search for hotels near the conference location. Click HERE for the google map of the conference location. You can click on “hotel” to get a list of nearby hotels. Unfortunately we were unable to secure arrangements with any particular hotel for any conference discounts.

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Where is the conference located?

The Energia Conference will be held at Emanuel Pentecostal Church (Biserica Emanuel București) in Bucharest Romania.

Address: Strada Cuza Vodǎ 116, Bucharest Romania

You can find the location on Google Map

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How much is the conference, how can I pay, and what is included in the cost?

Pre-registration is required for the 2024 Energia Conference. Online Registration will remain open until 16 August 2024. The registration fee of €40 (or 200 RON/LEI) can be paid in cash at the door when checking in.   You can pay either in euro or Romanian currency of RON/LEI

Your registration fee will include the following:
* Conference Packet
* Coffee breaks (4)
* Lunch on Thursday 22 August
* Lunch on Friday 23 August

NOT included in the registration fee:
* Breakfasts
* Dinner Thursday 22 August
* Dinner Friday 22 August
* Hotel – Please note that each participant will be responsible to arrange their own lodging.
* Transportation to and from Bucharest
* Public transportation during stay in Bucharest

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What meals will be served at the conference and how do I communicate any allergies or dietary restrictions

The following meals will be served at the conference (included in the registration fee)

  • Thursday 22 August
    • Coffee break
    • Lunch
    • Coffee break
  • Friday 23 August
    • Coffee break
    • Lunch
    • Coffee break

*Food allergies and dietary restrictions can be communicated in the registration form.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Meals cannot be guaranteed if not pre-registered in advance.

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Which public transportation options are available from the Airport?

From Henri Coanda International Airport (OTP)
*Train: You can find instructions how to use the rail system from OTP airport HERE
*Bus: You can find instructions on how to use the bus system from the OTP airport HERE
*Taxi: You can find instructions on how to use the taxi system from the OTP airport HERE
*Rideshare: Here is a recent article outlining various taxi and rideshare apps available in Bucharest. Please verify before arriving to confirm if the apps are still valid.

From Baneasa (Aurel Vlaicu) airport:
*You can find public transportation options from the Baneasa airport HERE
*Rideshare/Taxi (please refer to information listed under OTP airport for Rideshare and taxi options)

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Will translation be provided at the conference?

The main sessions and workshops will be in English. Unfortunately, no translation will be provided upfront. However, participants are welcome to provide their own translator and to sit together in sessions and quietly translate on their own.

Many phone apps are now available to assist with translation. One app that was recommended to us is LIVEVOICE. You can click on the link for the website for additional information. Participants are responsible for bringing their own phones and headphones. This option would be ideal if you come with a group in need of translation. It will help keep disruption down and allow everyone to hear better without crowding around the translator.

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Will tourism be provided?

No tours will be provided. Plan to come a day early or stay over a day to enjoy the beautiful city of Bucharest or step out of Bucharest to explore the beauty of Romania.

This is a list of some possible tourist sites in Bucharest and Romania with links to additional information. This list is not comprehensive, and many more sites are available. A simple Google search will reveal more. Europe’s Children is not promoting nor recommending any particular site. We are simply listing a few for your convenience. Please be sure to research in advance the days/times they are open.

Bucharest Palace of the Parliament: This link will take you to the main page for the Parliamentary. Please note that reservations must be made in advance. This is still a working government building and security is high. You will need to arrive in plenty of time to sign in, Passport is needed and security screening will take place.

Bucharest Old Town Lipscani: This link will take you to a site with suggested places to visit in this old historic neighborhood of downtown. This area is close to the Palace of the Parliament and a short distance with public transportation from the conference location.

Bucharest Village Museum: This link will take you to the main Village Museum site. The Village Museum or formally the National Museum of the Village “Dimitrie Gusti” is an open-air ethnographic museum located in King Michael I Park, Bucharest, Romania. The museum showcases traditional Romanian village life

In addition Bucharest has many museums and parks.

Outside of Bucharest Romania offers many tourist sites:

Peleș and Pelişor Palace: This link will take you to the main page of the Peleş and Pelişor palaces located in Sinaia located in the Transylvania Region.

Bran Castle: This link will take you to the main page of the Bran Castle located in Bran.

Salina Turda: This link will take you to the main page of the salt mines.

Raşnov Citadel: This link will take you to the main page of the Rasnov Citadel, which is located between Braşov and Bran.

These are just a few. A google search will open up many more options for you to explore if you so desire.

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When is the Conference and what is the schedule?

Energia Conference 2024 will be open for pre-registration check-in beginning at 07:30 am. The first session will begin at 09:00 am on Thursday, 22 August. The conference will end at approximately 12:00 Saturday, 24 August. Below is a tentative schedule for the conference *Subject to change

2024 Energia Program Schedule (*Subject to Change)

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How can I arrive in Bucharest Romania?

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When can I register and is registration available at the door? Can I attend for only 1 Day?

  • Registration will begin on Saturday 25 May
  • Online registration deadline is Friday 16 August.  
  • Space is limited so walk-in registration at the door cannot be guaranteed. A €5 late fee will be added to the conference fee for walk-in registrations (upon availability of space)
  • Thank you for registering in advance to secure your spot and to help us plan in advance

It is possible to attend Energia for one day. Registration is still required to ensure we have adequate space and food. The Registration price for attending one day is €25.

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Can I bring my child?

We understand some circumstances will require you to bring your child. We never want anyone to not attend because of this. Children are welcome, but unfortunately, childcare will not be provided during the conference. Thank you for your understanding.

If your child needs to attend, please communicate this in the registration form. Children must remain with parents and/or guardians the entire time and not be left unaccompanied. Participants 13 years and older must register separately and pay the full registration fee. Children under 12 will be included in their parent or guardian’s registration. This is important to plan meals accordingly. For children under 12 years, who are preregistered with their parents, meals will cost €6 per meal/child.

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